Abhishega Material & Benefits
- Gingly oil- Good health
- Rice flour- Relief from debt
- Abhishega Kooddu - Cure for ailments
- Saffron powder- Purity
- Panchamrithan- Success
- Ghee- Salvation
- Milk- Long life
- Milk curd- Blessed with children
- Honey- Health, intelligence and music
- Sugarcane juice- Free from illness
- Brown Sugar- Success over enemies
- Banana fruit- Good crops
- Mango fruit- Blessed with children
- Pomegranate fruit- Calm down from anger
- Oranges- Be impartial
- Lime- No fear of death
- Cooked rice - Gift of a Kingdom
- Young Coconut water- Pleasures
- Vibuthi- Intelligence
- Sandal paste- Wealth
- Kumkum- Prosperity
- Rose water- Free from fear
- Sweet rice cooked with ghee- Free from famine
- Incense- Cure for ailments